You must provide an official, confidential transcript. An official transcript must be in a sealed envelope and sent directly to the Department of Sociology.
Mail the transcript to:
Rice University
Department of Sociology-MS 28
PO Box 1892
Houston TX 77251
Personal Statement:
In addition to the writing sample, applicants must submit a statement of purpose of between 2-4 pages in length. This statement should explain why the applicant is a good fit for the program as well as possible research interests and professional goals
Recommendation Letter:
Three letters of recommendation are required for admission
Writing Sample:
Applicants are required to submit a sample of their best writing. This might be an undergraduate course paper or research term paper. The writing sample may be from any discipline. And while there is no official limit on the length of writing samples, most submissions are between 10 and 30 pages in length.
学位要求:BA or BS
邮寄地址:Rice University, Department of Sociology-MS 28 , PO Box 1892, Houston TX 77251