Transcripts validating completion of a four-year degree or equivalent
Curriculum Vitae:
A one-page résumé outlining your professional, academic, and personal achievements. You may find the following resources helpful as you prepare your résumé.
Recommendation Letter:
One recommendation is required; however, the admissions committee will accept up to two recommendations. Select a recommender who is qualified to evaluate your potential for leadership or management. He or she should have a strong understanding of your abilities and be familiar with solid examples of your accomplishments. This individual may be a current or past supervisor or manager, a client or vendor, or a representative of a volunteer or community organization in which you are involved.
You will enter your recommender’s name and email address into your application. The recommender will then receive an email with a link to your recommendation form. The recommendation forms are submitted separately from your application upon its completion. You should not wait for your recommender to submit his or her recommendation before submitting your application; however, your application will not be reviewed without the recommendation form.
Required Application Essay
Please make sure to answer the question in full.
Why do you want to pursue your MBA at Wisconsin at this point in your life? What actions have you taken to understand your selected career specialization, and why is this the best fit for you? What do you see yourself doing professionally after graduation?
Recommended Application Essay
You have the option to complete one of the recommended essays. Please use this opportunity to share additional information about yourself with the admissions committee.
Describe an experience that has fundamentally changed the way you see the world and how this experience transformed you.
Teamwork and leadership are ingrained in the Wisconsin MBA program, from classes to extracurricular activities and beyond. Describe an impactful time you experienced as a leader. What challenges did you face, and what did you learn?
Describe an ethical dilemma you experienced at work. What decisions did you have to make and what was the outcome?
Optional Application Essay
Please use this optional essay to communicate additional information about yourself that is not represented in the application and that you feel would benefit the admissions committee.
课程要求:a statistics and/or an economics course would be beneficial.
邮寄地址:MBA Admissions Office
Wisconsin School of Business
2450 Grainger Hall
975 University Avenue
Madison, WI 53706