

2015TOP 50 欧洲商学院排行榜

刚刚更新 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:1087 移动端
 《金融时报》(《Financial Times》)发布了2015年欧洲商学院排行榜,该榜单被誉为“欧洲商学院竞争力风向标”,在欧洲范围内具有广泛认可度。



  1 London Business School (UK)

  2 HEC Paris

  3 Insead

  4 University of St Gallen

  5 IE Business School

  6 Esada Business School

  7 Universita Bocconi

  8 Iese Business School

  9 IMD

  10 University of Oxford: Said (UK)

  11 ESCP Europe

  12 Imperial College Business School (UK)

  13 Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

  14 University of Cambridge: Judge (UK)

  15 Vlerick Business School

  16 Essec Business School

  17 ESMT-European School of Management and Technology

  18 Mannheim Business School

  19 Warwick Business School (UK)

  20 Grenoble Graduate School of Business

  21 City University: Cass (UK)

  22 Cranfield School of Management (UK)

  23 Tias Business School

  24 Eada Business School Barcelona

  25 Edhec Business School

  26 Stockholm School of Economics

  27 Catolica Lisbon School of Business and Economics

  28 Nova School of Business and Economics

  29 EMLyon Business School

  30 Kedge Business School

  31 University of Strathclyde Business School

  32 Aalto University

  33 HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management

  34 Copenhagen Business School

  35 Henley Business School (UK)

  36 University College Dublin: Smurfit

  37 WHU Beisheim

  38 Nyenrode Business Universiteit

  39 Alliance Manchester Business School (UK)

  40 NHH

  41 BI Norwegian Business School

  42 University of Bradford School of Management (UK)

  43 WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business)

  44 HEC Lausanne

  45 Politecnico di Milano School of Management

  46 Kozminski University

  47 Antwerp Management School

  48 Ashridge (UK)

  49 Toulouse Business School

  50 Durham University Business School (UK)

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