


2015/10/28 10:17:05 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:849 移动端


  5.University students always focus on one specialist subject, but some people think universities should encourage their students to study a range of subjects in addition to their own subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? (08.06.05)


  目前很多大学都倾向于专业学习(specialized or vocational education),很多专业都是以就业为本(career-oriented or vocation-oriented)而最近的潮流是重新注重全面教育(general education),注重学生的技能,在不同学科上的应用。

  很多学科是交叉的interrelated,学习多种科目有利于了解更多的知识widen scope of knowledge,加深对于专业科目的理解be beneficial/advantageous/preferable to the understanding/comprehension of specialist subjects

  毕业之后有更多的工作选择increase employment opportunity,增加竞争力competiveness

  当求职市场竞争日趋激烈的时候,在不同专业领域涉猎、对于跨学科学习具备经验的学生有望占据一个主导地位。As the job market is becoming increasingly competitive, students who dabble in different specialized areas and have experience in interdisciplinary study are expected to be in a preponderant position

  深造的时候有更多的学科选择 there are more choices when seeking for a further education.


  学生将更有时间把精力放在专业课的学习上devote one’s time and energy to specific subjects节约时间

  提高专业技能increase specialized knowledge

  提高职业竞争力improve competitiveness

  6.Some people think that children should obey the rules or do what their parents and teachers want them to do. Other people think that children controlled too much cannot deal with problem alone. Discuss both views and state your own opinion. (08.06.21)

  父母的教育方式parenting分为:专断型authoritarian, 管教型authoritative,纵容型permissive和漠不关心型uninvolved。大多数的专家认同和推荐管教型authoritative这一教育模式,即父母会制定基本的规则establish basic guidelines让小孩去遵循,但是同时考虑到小孩的特点和要求,惩罚的时候同时注意开导孩子。


  孩子缺乏自制力和判断力the children are lack of self-control and judging ability/capability

  父母和老师能够根据自己的经验帮助孩子找到正确的发展方向take the right path to success

  有助于孩子形成良好的行为习惯form appropriate behavior patterns,改正其不好的行为习惯等stop their misbehaviors

  孩子可以吸取前人的失败教训,避免走弯路can draw experience from the preceding failures and avoid committing the same mistakes.


  导致叛逆的行为result in rebellion,甚至对父母产生憎恨hate their parents, who apply strict rules and impose punishment

  导致孩子产生逆来顺受的性格docile obedience,不敢尝试和面对失败afraid to try and fail,表现出不足够的自制fail to demonstrate considerable self-regulation

  抑制孩子的想像力,不利于孩子充分表现自我deny children the opportunity to express individuality

  缺乏独立性lack of independence low self-esteem;不能独自面对和解决困难conquer difficulties and handle different situations

  孩子的兴趣和决定应当受到尊重receive respect for their hobbies and decisions

  给父母和老师减轻负担lighten\reduce the burden of …





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