

除了like doing,你还知道其他的...doing 吗?

2020/09/04 14:36:11 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:2058 移动端

like doing的结构,想必大家都再熟悉不过了,那除了like还有哪些动词后面需要加ing呢?我们来看看吧~

stop doing sth

delay 延期 doing sth

mind doing sth

fancy doing sth = want to do sth想要做某事

consider doing sth

admit doing sth

miss doing sth

involve doing sth

finish doing sth

avoid doing sth

deny doing sth

postpone doing sth

imagine doing sth

risk doing sth

practice doing sth

mind doing sth

keep doing sth

suggest doing sth

give up / put off / think of / carry on = go on doing sth


• Would you mind closing the door?

• Ian suggested going to the cinema.

• Suddenly everybody stopped talking. There was silence.

• You can't stop me doing what I want.

• I'll do the shopping when I've finished cleaning the flat.

• Mary is thinking of going back to New York.

• They tried to avoid answering my question.

• I don't fancy going out this evening.

• Have you ever considered going to live in another country?

• Don't keep interrupting me while I'm speaking.

你学会了嘛?下一篇文章带大家感受以下doing 使用的句型结构,很实用哦~

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