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不少英国大学21年申请已经都开放了,计划21年去英国留学的小伙伴都在紧张的准备申请材料啦,今天Hailey主要带大家重点了解一下英国留学热门专业:人力资源—Human Resourse management.



以英国大学为例,人力资源管理专业大致可分为两个方向:人力资源管理( Human Resource Management)和国际人力资源管理(International Human Resource Management)。





1.MSc Human Resources and Organisations(Human Resource Management/CIPD)

核心课程:Management of Human Resources: Strategies and Policy

Foundations of Business and Management for HRHuman Resource Management in Global CompaniesOrganisational BehaviourHuman Resource Management Skills and Practitioner Speaker Series (non-assessed)DissertationReward System: Key Models and Practices ORLeadership in Organisations: Theory and Practice*

选修课程:Design and Management of Organisations

The Dark Side of the OrganisationCross Cultural ManagementNegotiation AnalysisOrganisational ChangeLeadership in Organisations: Theory and PracticeReward System: Key Models and PracticesEmployment Law

2.MSc Human Resources and Organisations (International Employment Relations and Human Resource Management)

核心课程:Management of Human Resources: Strategies and Policy

International Employment Relations

Human Resource Management in Global CompaniesDissertation

选修课程:Reward System: Key Models and PracticesDesign and Management of Organisations*The Dark Side of the OrganisationCross Cultural ManagementLeadership in Organisations: Theory and PracticeNegotiation AnalysisOrganisational TheoryOrganisational BehaviourEuropean Models of CapitalismThe Political Economy of European Monetary IntegrationThe Political Economy of European Welfare StatesLabour Markets and the Political Economy of Employment in EuropeGender, Globalisation and Development: An IntroductionFeminist Economics and Policy: An IntroductionInternational Migration and Immigration ManagementEmployment Law




当然,我们主要说MBS的。国际学生选Intetnational route那个多点,课程相对轻松,如果有留英打算,想必修CIPD课程的,这个可以选domestic route,这个会附加作业和3000字的report,比较烦。


1.MSc Human Resource Management (International Development)

核心课:Human Resource Management: Concepts and ContextsHuman Resource Practice

2Human Resource Practice 1Research Methods in Human Resource Management

选修课:Introducing Information Systems in OrganisationsPublic Sector Reform and ManagementInternational ManagementHuman Resource Development & LeadershipOrganisational BehaviourOrganizational Psychology, Management and ChangeManaging Quality in DevelopmentGender & DevelopmentInformation Technologies and Human ResourcesOrganisational Change StrategiesPlanning and Managing DevelopmentLearning, Training and DevelopmentDevelopment Practice: International Contexts and Worlds of ActionCharacteristics and Skills of Development Practice

2.MSc Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations

核心课:Research Methods for OrganisationsMultinationals and Comparative Employment SystemsEmployment LawHRM: Strategy and PracticeHRM: Context and OrganisationEmployment Practice and EqualityIndustrial Relations

选修课:International Human Resource ManagementComparative Industrial RelationsInternational Labour Law and RegulationHuman Resource Management in Asia

3.MSc International Human Resource Management and Comparative Industrial Relations

核心课:Research Methods for OrganisationsInternational Human Resource ManagementMultinationals and Comparative Employment SystemsHRM: Strategy and PracticeComparative Industrial RelationsInternational Labour Law and Regulation

选修课:The Management of International Organizational ChangeHRM: Context and OrganisationEmployment Practice and EqualityIndustrial RelationsHuman Resource Management in Asia




1.MSc in Human Resource Management

核心课程:Human Resource Management in ContextThe Management of Human ResourcesEmployment RelationsReward ManagementContemporary Issues in HR ResearchLeadership, Work and OrganizationEmployment LawThe Practice of HR in the Modern WorkplaceThe Human Resource Management Project2.International Human Resource Management (MSc)

核心课程:The International Human Resource Management ProjectHuman Resource Management in ContextThe Management of Human ResourcesContemporary Issues in HR ResearchInternational ManagementGlobalization and the Management of Labour




Human Resource Management and Employment Relations - MSc





1.MSc in Human Resource Management (HRM)

核心课程:Core Competencies for HR ProfessionalsHuman Resource Management In ContextOrganisational BehaviourReward ManagementManaging Employment RelationsMethods of Research in HRMDissertation (MSc Human Resource Management)

选修课:Change ManagementEmployment LawPerformance ManagementLeadership and Management DevelopmentHR Issues in OutsourcingGlobal Talent ManagementGlobal Diversity and Equality Management

2.MSc in International Human Resource Management

核心课:Core Competencies for HR Professionals (IHRM)International HRM Policies and PracticesOrganisational BehaviourReward ManagementMethods of Research in HRMMultinational Enterprises & Comparative Employment RelationsDissertation

选修课:(选二)Global Diversity and Equality ManagementGlobal Strategic Management: Issues and Perspective

Global Talent ManagementHR Issues in Outsourcing




申请难度跟曼大的HRM不相上下。1.Human Resource Management MSc

核心课程:Dissertation, 60 creditsHuman Resource Management, 20 creditsInternational Human Resource Management, 10 creditsInternational Perspectives on Industrial Relations, 10 creditsLeadership Development, 10 creditsResearching Work, Employment and Employee Relations, 20 creditsTraining and Development, 10 credits

选修课程:The Global Shift, 20 credits

Change Management, 10 credits

Contemporary issues in Work, Employment and People Management, 10 credits

Cross-Cultural Management, 10 credits

Managing Equality and Diversity, 10 credits

Managing Organisations, 10 credits

The International Marketing Context, 10 credits

2.Human Resource Management with CIPD Pathway

课程:Human Resource Management (20 credits)

International Perspectives on Industrial Relations (10 credits)

Managing Organisations (10 credits)

Training and Development (20 credits)

Change Management (10 credits)

Dissertation Management Report (60 credits)

International Human Resource Management (10 credits)

Leadership Development (10 credits)

Researching Work, Employment and Employee Relations (20 credits)




南安普顿大学:Msc Human Resource Management

谢菲尔德大学:Msc Human Resource Management

卡迪夫大学:Msc Human Resource Management


约克大学:Msc Human Resource Management

利物浦大学:Msc Human Resource Management

邓迪大学:Msc International Business & Hunan Resource Management/Msc International Buniness, Marketing & Human Resource Management

罗伯特戈登大学:Msc Human Resource Management

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