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However, most of the contestants are considered to be Chinese entertainment’s  “leftover women” — a widely-used derogatory slang term that describes single women aged 27 or older. According to traditional Chinese family values, women are expected to get married early and raise kids, regardless of how successful they may be in their own right. In recent years, Chinese authorities have been keen to push this further by encouraging families to have more babies and introducing measures to discourage divorce.


The contestants on Sisters are not necessarily single, and many of them are mothers, yet in a notoriously ageist industry, the show feels like a riposte to its rivals’ constant focus on youth — especially when it comes to female celebrities.


There is hope that Sisters may help shift perceptions. Audiences, perhaps tired of samey fresh-faced pop idols in the likes of Youth With You and Produce 101, have responded positively to the strong personalities on display in the show. Instead of being told what to do and how to perform, the contestants have broken away from the norm by playing more provocative roles in the production of the show as well as being critical of comments made by judges.


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