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一、完全倒装(Full Inversion)



①表示地点的副词 here, there 置于句首, 且主语是名词(不是代词) , 需用完全倒装, 其形式为: There/Here+谓语+主语。 常用于此句型的谓语动词为 be, go, come, exist, follow, remain, lie等, 时态要用一般现在时。

There goes the last bus.末班公共汽车开走了。

Here is the address of your hotel.这里就是你宾馆的地址。

There goes the bell for break.下课铃响了。

Here you are.给你。 (代词作主语, 不倒装)

②表示时间的副词(如: now, then 等) 、运动方向的副词(如:out, in, up, down, away 等) 及表示地点的介词短语置于句首, 且主语是名词(不是代词) , 需用完全倒装, 其形式为: 副词或介词短语+谓语+主语。 常用于此句型的谓语动词为 come, fall, follow,exist, lie, go, remain, run 等, 时态为一般现在时或一般过去时。

Now comes your turn! 现在该你了!

Up went the arrow into the air.箭直射向空中。

Under the table sleeps a white cat.在桌子下面睡着一只白色的猫。

Behind the counter he stood. 他站在柜台后面。 (代词作主语, 不倒装)


为了保持句子平衡或强调表语部分等, 将作表语的形容词、分词、介词短语、such 置于句首时, 需用完全倒装, 其形式为: 形容词/现在分词/过去分词/介词短语/such+be+主语。

Happy are those who are contented.知足者常乐。

Growing all over the mountain are wild flowers.漫山遍野长满了野花。

Seated on the ground are a group of young people.席地而坐的是一群年轻人。

Inside the parcel was a letter.包裹里有封信。

Such were his words.( = Such was what he said.)这就是他说的话。

二、部分倒装(Partial Inversion)

把 be 动词、助动词或情态动词置于主语之前的句子叫部分倒装句。 这类句型主要有下面几种:

1.only 修饰副词、介词短语或状语从句, 且放在句首时。

Only in this way can we learn English well.



(1) 在部分倒装句中, 如果谓语部分无助动词, 则需找助动词来“帮助” 构成倒装句。

(x) Only after the war learned he the sad news.

(√) Only after the war did he learn the sad news.


(2) only 修饰状语从句时, 从句不可倒装, 主句倒装。

(x) Only when did he return we found out the truth.

(√) Only when he returned did we find out the truth.

只是当他回来的时候, 我们才查明了真相。

(3) only 修饰主语时, 句子不可倒装。

(x) Only can he answer the question.

(√) Only he can answer the question.只有他能回答这个问题。

2. 否定词 never, nor, not, hardly, little, seldom, scarcely,rarely 及表否定意义的介词短语 at no time, under/in no circumstances, in no case, by no means, on no condition 等置于句首时。

Never before have I seen such a moving film. = I have neverseen such a moving film before.


Not a single mistake did he make. = He didn't make a single mistake.


Hardly do I think it possible to finish the work before dark.= I hardly think it possible to finish the work before dark.



(1) “ so+be 动词 /助动词 /情态动词+主语” 意为“ …… 也是如此” 。

They love having lots of friends; so do those with disabilities.他们喜欢交很多朋友, 那些身有残疾的人也是如此。


①此句型也可写成“ it is /was the same with...” 或“so it is /waswith...” 。

They love having lots of friends;

it is the same with those with disabilities.

so it is with those with disabilities.

②如果仅是对前面内容的肯定或附和(此时的 so = indeed) ,那么, 句子不可使用倒装。 试比较:

A: I was afraid.(I 指的是 A)

B: So was I.(I 指的是 B, 此句意为: I was afraid, too.)

A: 我害怕。B: 我也是。

A: I was afraid.(I 指的是 A)

B: So you were. (you 指的也是 A。 此句意为: Indeed youwere afraid.)

A: 我害怕。B: 你就是这样。

(2) “ neither/nor+ be 动词 /助动词 /情态动词 + 主语” 意为“ ……也不这样” 。

Lily can't ride a bicycle; neither/nor can Lucy.

莉莉不会骑自行车, 露西也不会。


①此句型也可写成“ it is /was the same with...” 或“ so it is /was with...” 。

Lily can't ride a bicycle;

it is the same with Lucy.

so it is with Lucy.

②此句型中的 neither/nor 不可用 so...not 替代, 但可用 not...either 改写。

(x) I have never been abroad.So hasn't he.

(√) I have never been abroad.Neither/Nor has he.

(√) I have never been abroad.He has never/not been abroad,either.

我没出过国。 他也没有。


So+adj. /adv. ...that...

Such+(a/an+) adj. +n. ...that...

So clearly does he speak English that he can always make himself understood.

他说英语说得如此清晰, 以至于别人都能听得懂。

Such an interesting book does he have that we all want to read it.

他有一本如此有趣的书, 以至于我们都想读。


在这个句型中, so, such 后面的句子要倒装, 而 that 引导的从句不倒装。

(4) Neither..., nor...意为“ ……不……, ……也不……” 。

Neither do I know it, nor do I care about it.

我不知道这件事, 也不关心。


由于 neither 和 nor 都是否定词, 所以它们后面的句子均需倒装。

(5) Not only...but also...意为“ 不仅……而且……” 。

Not only will help be given to people to find jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for people who need it.

不仅要给那些找工作的人提供帮助, 而且也要给那些有需要的人提供药物治疗。


此句型也可写成 Not only...but...或 Not only...but...as well 的形式, 但 but(also) 连接的句子必需用正常语序。

(6) Not until...意为“ 直到……才……” 。

Not until 4:00 in the morning could he fall asleep.

直到早晨 4 点他才睡着。

Not until he returned did we have supper.


但是: Not until did he return we had supper.(x)


not until 引导的是从句时, until 从句的主谓不可倒装, 只是主句需要倒装。

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