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喜欢春天: It rains a lot which can wash away the pollution. 

下雨很多,可以冲走污染。 I feel comfortable when it drizzles in spring.

 在春天下毛毛细雨会让人觉得很舒服。 不喜欢春天: Overcast weather gives us a bad mood. 

阴天让人心情不好。 喜欢夏天: I can enjoy mouth-watering ice-cream.

我可以吃美味的冰淇淋。 I can take a big scoop of juicy and spongy watermelon. 

我可以用勺子挖出一勺多汁轻软的西瓜。 It's possible for me to look at loads of  long-legged girls with fair skin and miniskirts. 可以看到很多大长腿的女生,她们皮肤白皙,穿着超短裙。 不喜欢夏天: Heavy rain often results in flooding. 

暴雨会导致洪水泛滥。 I feel upset when it pours. 

当雨倾盆而下的时候,我觉得很烦。 I can't stand the muggy weather. 

我受不了闷热的天气。 The summer is scorching. 

夏天热得不行。 The monsoon season is really annoying, because of its heavy rainfall. 

梅雨时节真的让人很烦,因为雨下的大。 These mosquitos drumming around me are such a pain in the neck. 

这些在我周围嗡嗡乱叫的蚊子令人讨厌透了。 喜欢秋天: I‘m really autumn because we can see the colourful foliage. 

我喜欢秋天,因为可以看到色彩缤纷的落叶。 My birthday is in the autumn. That's precisely why I it's my favourite season. 

我的生日在秋天。 不喜欢秋天: In October , the days will still be warm but the evenings will get chilly. 

在十月份,白天仍然较暖和,但晚上是微凉的。 喜欢冬天: I really enjoy the glistening snowflakes in winter.

我喜欢冬天闪亮的雪片。 Buildings are buried in snowdrifts. 

建筑物都被大雪覆盖了。 不喜欢冬天: The long and harsh winter makes me feel miserable. 

长长的严冬让我觉得很痛苦。 The winter is not necessarily snowy, but when it snows, the snow is blown around by strong winds, which makes things inconvenient for people. 

冬天不一定下雪,但是一旦下了,一般会伴随着有大风,让人们觉得不方便。 The winter is really frigid. 


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