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大家平时都是怎么练习雅思口语的? 或者说 大家真的有在练雅思口语吗?对于雅思口语的练习重点够清楚吗?

屏幕快照 2018-06-06 10


流畅性及连贯性Fluency & Coherence

词汇量Lexical Resource

语法运用范围与其正确性 Grammatical Range and Accuracy

发音 Pronunciation



1. Repeat after a recording 复述练习 The first time you repeat it will probably be slower than the actual recording so keep repeating until you gain the same speed as the native speaker. Be aware that you may need to use sound links, contractions and weakened forms to match their speed.通常第一次做复述练习时,念的速度会比较慢,你必须重复练习,直到你讲话的速度与以英语为母语的使用者的速度一致。练习速度时你必须同时活用“连音”、“缩略语”以及“弱读音”。

2. Repeat the same topic 重复练习相同的主题 The first time you say a Part 2 topic, for example, you will produce a somewhat slow response with little information. The more often you repeat it, the more fluently your response should come out. Remember when you begin to produce more fluent answers, you will need to add more information to ensure that you keep talking for 1-2 minutes. 刚开始练习口语测试的Part 2时,你的反应会较慢,头脑中的资料会比较少,重复练习可以改善这种状况。记住,当你讲得比较流利后,你就必须提供充分的资料来让你的回答足以持续~2分钟。

3. Use it or lose it  尽可能使用新词汇 The reason why you pause or hesitate is often in search of vocabulary which is not readily available to you. The more you use a word, the more likely it will become active vocabulary.  By the same token, if you never use a word that you have learnt, it is destined to be forgotten. 通常你在口试时停顿或犹豫,是因为你正在脑海里寻找合适的词汇。平时多练习使用学过的词汇,词汇才会真正属于你。

4. Focus on English, not IQ 专注在英文能力上 Another reason why you may break down is that you have no opinion.As a student about to study your Master's Degree, of course you want to sound very educated and knowledgeable, but remember IELTS  stands for International English Language Testing System, it's not an IQ test.  Examiners are testing your English not your intelligence. If you can't think of a smart response, then say something obvious, boring, or even stupid but use good English while you are doing so. Saying something is better than nothing.  If you say nothing then you lose points in each criterion, not just fluency.  If you say something stupid, you will still gain points in each criterion. The only thing you may lose is face but who cares? You'll never see the examiner again.导致你在发言中停顿的另一个原因是因为你没有自己的看法。参加IELTS测试的考生多半是为了攻读硕士,当然会希望自己听起来是个有知识的人。但请牢记,IELTS考查的是你的英文能力,而非智力。万一实在没有好的想法,或只有一些无趣、甚至愚蠢的想法,还是要尽量开口说,因为随便说也比什么都不说好。 

 5. Read, read, read 阅读各类型的文章 Again if you break down due to a lack of opinions then start reading up on a variety of topics and pay particular attention to different people's opinions. Nobody ever has a totally original opinion-everyone copy and adapts a number of ideas from various people when formulating their own opinion.如果你是因为缺乏想法而导致回答停顿的话,那你必须开始阅读各种类型的文章,并多注意别人所发表的意见。没有人天生就是文思泉涌的,每个人都是参考别人的各种想法并将其转换成自已的意见。

 6. Don't be shy for 11-14 minutes 暂时抛开害羞的个性 Even if you are shy in your native country using your native language-a person known to be of few words, you will have to change your personality for a mere 11~14 minutes as the examiner can only make an evaluation of what he/she hears.  Again, if they hear nothing or very little, then it will affect each criterion. Try to be as talkative as possible and say as much as possible.如果你是个害羞或不善言辞的人,那你必须在口试的11~14分钟里暂时抛开你害羞的个性,尽可能让自己表现得像个能言善辩的人。

 7. Use signpost expressions 使用“指引性”的词语 Signpost expressions are words that give the listener some direction, for example:  Firstly, By this I mean, For instance, In contrast, To be honest. All these expressions give the listener some idea of what kind of information to expect next, which makes it easier to follow and understand the conversation. 使用一些“指引性”的词语,给听者指引方向,让听者能立即且清楚地知道你要表达的信息,例如: Firstly(首先)、By this I mean(我的意思是)、For instance(例如)、In contrast(相反)、To be honest(老实说)。

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