


2017/04/08 17:00:21 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:1452 移动端
Trinity College发来2017年早报道流程'Early Acceptance Agreement',附件是早报道接收表
July Fast Track
July Main Plus
August Comprehensive Extended
I hope this finds you all well.
I have attached the documents for the 'Early Acceptance Agreement' for 2017.
Please note, the option to accept the conditional offer early, obtain a CoE and commence the visa application before final high school results are published is available for students with offers to three intakes only - July Fast Track, July Main Plus and August Comprehensive Extended intakes.
It is not available to students with offers to any other intakes.
Please remember that the final high school results must be sent to foundationstudies before the student departs from China for Australia.
Students whose final marks do not meet our entry requirements will have their enrolment at Trinity and their CoE cancelled regardless of whether the student has arrived in Australia or not.
As always, students must complete both the acceptance page from the letter of offer and the 'Early Acceptance Agreement' when accepting their offer.
Please contact me at this email address if there is anything you are uncertain about regarding the 'Early Acceptance Agreement' or any other matters regarding TCFS.

有想了解进一步详情 请拨打010-51697800转澳新部朱雪莲老师
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