

University of Surrey萨里大学简介

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University of Surrey萨里大学简介
1、  萨里大学成立于 1891年, 位于英格兰东南部萨里郡吉尔福德,坐火车40分钟到伦敦。2016年Times排名全英第8位,2015年《完全大学指南》英国大学排名中名列第4位。

2、  2015年各专业排名:
1st Hospitality, Event Management and Tourism
2nd Accounting and Finance
2nd Electronic and Electrical Engineering
3rd Dance & Drama
3rd Sociology
4th Economics
4th Music
5th Psychology
6th Mathematics
7th Business, Marketing and Management
7th Civil Engineering
8th Computer Science and Information Systems
1st Hospitality and Tourism
2nd Electrical & Electronic Engineering / Food Science
4th Animal Science / Sociology
7th Accounting and Finance / Biological Sciences / Civil Engineering
8th Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering / Economics
10th Mechanical Engineering / Chemical Engineering / Drama, Dance and Cinematics
11th Mathematics
15th Business and Management
1) Business  interpreting in Chinese and English MA

2)Hospitality, Event Management and Tourism
萨里大学是全英最早开设旅游管理专业的大学之一,它的旅游酒店管理专TIMES排名全英NO.1 ,卫报TOP1,全欧洲排名第一,全世界排名第五,并且受到AACSB(国际高等商学院协会), UNWTO- (世界旅游组织以及英国酒店协会)的认可,在校读酒店及旅游管理相关课程的学生学校提供在国际著名酒店实习的机会。

3) Electrical & Electronic Engineering
常规一年课程以外,同时开设两年的课程,第一年是MSC Electronic Engineering 8个月课程,第二年研究课题或者是6个月工厂的带薪实习。
MSc Advanced Geotechnical Engineering  
MSc Civil Engineering  
MSc Bridge Engineering  
MSc Information and Process Systems Engineering  
MSc Process Systems Engineering  
MSc Process and Environmental Systems Engineering  
MSc Water and Environmental Engineering  
MSc Structural Engineering  
MSc Infrastructure Engineering and Management (Feb)  

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