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Go with the flow (一)
今天我们来讲一个英语中的俗语:go with the flow。相信大家都认识这里面的单词吧?但组合起来是什么意思呢?Flow是流水的意思,go with the flow跟着水流走也就是顺其自然。这是一个非常实用的短语。For example, when you are in trouble, and there really isn’t anything you can do about. What will you do? The best answer is probably just to go with flow. 也就是说,当我们身陷困境,又不知所措的时候,怎么办呢?可能最好的答案就是顺其自然吧~
今天送给大家一个句子:When the karma wind blow, go with the flow. Karma就是业力,也就是东方思想中因果报应最native and proper的表达,这比大家常说的cause and effect 要高出好几个档哦。这句话的意思是说,当我们遇到问题的时候,要学会顺其自然。这样的句子如果出现在你的雅思口语考试中,一定成分得分的亮点。因为它不仅正宗,而且还很押韵。很多小的表达,都是要在日常生活中自己去积累的,希望同学们能够好好利用琐碎的时间,练习口语~
另外,go with the flow 还有其他的意思,我们下次来讲。
Go with the flow (二)
Go with the flow也有随大流的意思。对于有选择困难症的同学来说,go with the flow 常常是最安全的choice。Go with the flow 还有一个同义表达follow the crowd。或者我们的post-90s and even post-00s 会选择be your own person and not afraid of challenging the status quo. 九零后零零后的同学们也可能会在面临抉择的时候选择做自己,他们不怕挑战现状。选择做自己的人通常是very unconventional的,but sometimes we really need to be ourselves right? Otherwise we might regret. Be your own person 的意思是做自己,或者说be oneself 也可以,这是不愿为了别人而改变自己的人。Challenge the status quo 也是一个很棒棒的表达,挑战现状,挑战大家都以为然的东西。
My friend Judy is a very special person. She doesn’t like to follow the crowd. While most of us are trying our best to fit in with everyone else, she likes to be her own person. For instance, she has her own unique sense of fashion. She likes to buy all her clothes, except for her shoes, in used clothing shops. Her taste in music is also pretty unconventional. Unlike most of my friend, she can’t stand pop music. She prefers to listen to folk music. 这是不是很好的介绍了一个人?大家可以自己做改编,运用到你的口语part 1 里面介绍自己,介绍你喜欢的不喜欢的人。


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