

Rochester 会计录取PS选段及解析

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Rochester 会计录取PS选段及解析
背景:美国某大学,会计专业,GPA:3.5/4.0, TOEFL: N/A, GMAT: 660  
录取学校&专业:University of Rochester& MSAS

I am grateful the quality education I have received during my undergraduate studies in Suny-Buffalo. It not only provided me the fundamental theories in accounting but also with skills and knowledge relevant to many businesses. From case studies, I learned how to combine theory with practice; from reading accounting relevant books, I cultivated the sensitivity to the relationship between social development and accounting; from the past projects, I practiced my actual operation ability and strengthened the memory of knowledge, and all of those are essential to my future career.
前两句是整体来说学生本科阶段的优质教育和会计基本功扎实,顺便提了下学生的本科学校是:Suny-Buffalo,如果学校比较看重非美籍学生的在美学习背景的话这点还是有提示作用的。 后半部分是从本科阶段课上的案例学习,课下会计类书籍阅读和所做过的项目中学到的东西。
In addition to academic life, I worked as an accountant in my father’s real estate company for one year. I mainly took charge of cash management and dealing with bank account. For the reason that I needed to know how a bigger company to run their business and learn their standard management method in the aspect of accounting, I applied an internship of China Citic bank. From the internship, I observed how accountants work and how they dividing the work and responsibilities. I also learned how to solve customers’ problems and give recommendation for their financing products. Moreover, I improved my business communication skills. Due to my careful attitude and good patient, my customers gave feedback with satisfaction. If my education in accounting has laid theoretical basis for my future career, then my past working experience has offered support in practical way for my future career.

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