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      1. 怎么念电话号码


  连载一起的两个或者三个相同数字,可以用double 或者 triple,比如:

  222读作triple two;

  3344读作double three, double four

  5555可以读作double five, double five,如果要说five five five five也可以,但是不要说four five, 那是45.

  2. 邮箱地址怎么说

  @读作“at”,所以,John@gmail.com就是John, at, gmail, dot, com.

  /读作forward slash

  -读作hyphen or a dash


  3. 接通电话


  A: Can I speak to Mr Smith, please? / Is Mr Smith there, pls?

  B: May I ask who’s calling?/Could I have your name, pls?

  A: Yes, this is Tom speaking

  在公司里,接起电话要先报上自己的名字,而不是问对方是谁,who’s there?听起来很不礼貌。

  但是不要说 I am 或 My name is。直接在自己的名字后面加上 speaking就可以了。比如:

  A:Hello, John speaking


  A:Hello,this is John from China Daily


  A:Can I speak to Jane, pls?

  B: Speaking

  4. 留信息

  对方要找的人不在,你可以说明情况,注意在句首礼貌地加上I am afraid或者I am sorry, 比如:

  I am afraid Mr Smith is out of the office today/off sick today/in a meeting/on holiday


  I am afraid his line is engaged


  A:Would you like to leave a message?

  B: Could you ask him to call me back?/Could you ask him to return my call?

  如果你想让对方帮忙捎个信,则要说:Could you take a message?

  5. 打给陌生人


  A:Hello, this is Sarah calling, from China Daily

  B: Hello, what can I do for you?/Hello, how can I help you?

  A: I am calling on behalf of Tom/ Tom suggested that I call you/ Tom asked me to call you.

  6. 沟通中间出现问题


  I am sorry, could you speak up, pls?

  I am sorry, the line is bad, could you repeat what you just said?


  I am sorry, could you pls repeat that please?

  Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that.

  Sorry, I didn’t catch your surname

  I am sorry, I am not sure I understand, would you mind explaining it again, pls?


  Actually, it is 16, not 60

  I am sorry, but I think there has been a misunderstanding. The payment is due next week, not next month.

  I am sorry, but that is not quite right


  So if I understand you correctly


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