


刚刚更新 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:1075 移动端
新西兰技术移民打分项 加分说明 得分 - FLYabroad
技术雇佣 Skilled employment:
在新西兰合法工作12个月或以上 Current skilled employment in NZ for 12 months or more   60
有新西兰工作offer或者当前在新西兰工作不足12个月 Offer of skilled employment in New Zealand or current skilled employment in New Zealand for less than 12 months   50
技术雇佣额外加分 Bonus points for employment or offer of employment in:
未来发展领域工作 An identified future growth area 获得此项加分的前提是必须有新西兰技术雇佣 10
绝对紧缺职业工作 An area of absolute skills shortage 10
奥克兰以外地区工作 Region outside Auckland 10
配偶在新西兰工作或有新西兰工作offer Partner employment or offer of employment 20
工作经验 Work experience(:
2 years 1.工作经验必须与提名职业相关;并且
4 years 15
6 years 20
8 years 25
10 years 30
新西兰境内工作经验额外加分 Additional bonus points if work experience in New Zealand:
1 year   5
2 years   10
3 years or more   15
未来发展领域工作经验额外加分 Additional bonus points for work experience in an identified future growth area:
2 to 5 years 申请人必须有新西兰技术雇佣,才能获得此项加分 10
6 years or more 15
绝对紧缺职业工作经验额外加分 Additional bonus points for work experience in an area of absolute skills shortage:
2 to 5 years 专业和职业必须相关 10
6 years or more 15
学历 Qualifications:
专科、技工 Recognised level 4-6 qualification (e.g. trade qualification, diploma)   40
学士或荣誉学士学位 Recognised level 7 or 8 qualification (e.g bachelors degree, bachelors degree with Honours)   50
硕士和博士 Recognised level 9 or 10 post-graduate qualification (Masters degree, Doctorate)   60
额外加分 Bonus points for:
2年的新西兰全日制学习,获得学士学位(level 7) 2 years of full-time study in New Zealand completing a recognised bachelor degree (level 7) New Zealand qualification   10
1年的新西兰全日制学习,获得研究生文凭 1 year of full-time study in New Zealand completing a recognised post-graduate New Zealand qualification   10
2年的新西兰全日制学习,获得研究生文凭2 years of full-time study in New Zealand completing a recognised post-graduate New Zealand qualification   15
未来发展领域学历 Qualification in an identified future growth area 申请人必须有新西兰技术雇佣,才能获得此项加分 10
绝对紧缺职业学历 Qualification in an area of absolute skill shortage 专业和职业必须相关 10
配偶学历 Partner qualifications 
专科或技工 recognised level 4-6 qualification 要想获得配偶学历加分,配偶雅思需达到总分6.5 10
学士学位以上 recognised level 7 + qualification 20
新西兰近亲属 Close family support in New Zealand 近亲属指: your or your partner's adult brother or sister, adult child, or parent 10
年龄 Age (20 to 55 yrs):
20-29   30
30-39   25
40-44   20
45-49   10
50-55   5
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